Monday, December 27, 2010

Beers Filling Up Through the Bottom!

writer's block

Every day on my drive home I think of a dozen topics I want to write about here.  And every day as I settle down in front of my computer my mind goes blank.  Today I promised myself I would write something, ANYTHING, to break the ice.  Here goes... The following is a list of topics I want to write about:

1. iPad versus Samsung Galaxy Tap
2. 8open
3. VZW 4g

Well, there you have it.  Ten minutes ago my mind was flooded with ideas and now it's blank.  Stay tuned...


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thank you Santa!

Thanks for the 4g broadband card.  May I have a sim card for it?


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bravo Adobe

Bravo Adobe for creating such a fanfreakingtastic suite of applications!  I have tried the less expensive photoshop-ish and dreamweaver-like apps but none of them provide the awesomeness that your $2,000 CS5 has.  Thanks to your exquisit pricetage, will forever be flashless and plain...

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Pleasure meeting you this evening.  Thank you for the glass of wine...